Well, the very technically challenged me has finally created a blog. Are all my papercrafting buddies sending up a big cheer?!? LOL I hope to learn more and more and may be calling on those of you who are so adept at blog speak to guide me in the days ahead. I've seen so many blogs I've admired and wondered "How do they do that?" So I'm jumping in and getting my feet wet and hope to meet and greet friends and family here as time goes by.
Since I started this addictive hobby of card making I've met so many creative and talented people that inspire me not only in papercrafting but also in my personal life. I'm hoping by creating this blog I can return the love, encouragement and support I've been so blessed to receive...the inspiration for the name of my blog.
I'm taking a deep breath now and hitting that posting button. Hugs, Judy